Guidelines for Submitting Articles

We welcome article submissions from members and non-members. Articles may appear both on our Website and in our Newsletter.

Why Publish?

Sharing your knowledge with others benefits you, our professional organization, and the general public. Your SGV-CAMFT membership makes it possible for you to get published. It is well worth taking advantage of this excellent benefit. You gain a marketing benefit because the articles you publish draw attention to you and your professional practice. You gain a professional benefit because your articles add stature to your professional profile as you contribute to the shared and growing knowledge base of the field of therapy.

SGV-CAMFT benefits from your contributed article. As a member-driven organization, the organization is the sum of its membership. Our publications, Website and Newsletter, achieve their potential by representing the collective voices of the membership.

The public, including the broader professional community as well as people looking for help, benefit from reading your published articles. Working together we can build a collection of valuable, insightful and interesting material to share with the entire community in which we live and work.

Who May Publish

Current members of SGV-CAMFT may submit materials to be published. Non-members are also cordially invited to submit materials.

Editorial Review

Acceptance of the submitted materials is subject to approval by SGV-CAMFT, its Board of Directors or any person or entity it may designate for that purpose. SGV-CAMFT retains the right to edit the submitted materials for such purposes as brevity, clarity or grammatical style. Submitting party agrees and understands that SGV-CAMFT may publish, remove, or re-publish submitted materials on this website at its discretion and waives any rights to further edit the materials or restrict their publication.

Noncommercial Purpose

Product and service announcements, or other messages of a commercial nature, are not recommended. It is permissible to refer to your name, your company name and include a website or e-mail hyperlink in a submission. The submission will be evaluated on its overall merit.

How to Submit Articles

Please email us at if you are interested in submitting an article. Do not send printed materials. Your documents may be formatted as Word, PDF, Open Office, plain text or most other common formats. You may submit graphics to accompany your textual content. Use of such shall be at the discretion of the Editor.

Types of Submissions – Suitable Topics

Here are some suggestions for the types of articles we wish to publish. Use this as a starting point. It is not our intention to limit the creativity of contributors, but rather to offer some suggestions to help get you going.

First, consider our two main readership categories. The first, and most important category, are marriage and family therapists and other mental health practitioners, be they members or non-members. Aricles of interest to this category would include those pertaining to recent advances and best practices in mental health care, academic research findings, stories about therapy in action, etc. Articles about managing a successful therapy practice are also encouraged.

Another category of readership are members of the general public, those seeking help for themselves or a loved one. Articles of this sort are likely to be published in the Looking for Help section of our Website. Members who submit such articles can have their article linked to their entry in the Find a Therapist Website directory, as well as to their own, external Website.

San Gabriel Valley Chapter
of the California Association
of Marriage and Family Therapists

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